Why is My Dyson Vacuum Not Charging?

Your Dyson vacuum may not charge due to damage to the cable, battery casing, or blocked airways. In some cases, the outlet is the cause of the issue.

Dyson vacuums are great cleaning tools, but it can be frustrating if you notice that your vacuum isn’t charging properly. Here’s everything you need to know about Dyson charging issues and what to do about them.

There are several things that can cause your Dyson not to charge properly, but thankfully, you can usually diagnose and fix the problem yourself.

This article will cover common problems with Dyson vacuums not charging and how you can fix them.

How To Tell If Your Dyson Is Charging?

Dyson connected to power cord

Before diving into all the sleuthing techniques, you can use to find problems with your Dyson, let’s go over the basics to check whether the Dyson is actually charging or not.

You can charge your Dyson cordless vacuum in two ways: by using the docking station or plugging the charger directly into the vacuum.

All Dyson vacuums that run on battery have a light indicator to tell you when the vacuum is charging. If the light is on, then the charger is working. In addition, the light will go off by itself after 3-3.5 hours when it’s done charging.

If the light doesn’t come on at all, or the vacuum doesn’t work even after appearing to charge, there’s an issue with the power supply.

Why Is My Dyson Vacuum Not Charging?

If your Dyson isn’t charging correctly when you put it on the dock, it could be caused by the vacuum, the dock, or the outlet.

You may need to check all three before you find the root of the issue, but generally, you’ll be able to identify the source of the problem with a little investigation.

The Basics

Before you take apart your vacuum to see what’s wrong with it, it’s worth checking off the basics to ensure you’re not missing a simple step.

For example, if the power cord is loose, then your power supply is going to be limited, causing the Dyson not to charge properly, if at all. Make sure the cord is plugged firmly into the wall.

Similarly, you should also check that the Dyson vacuum is set correctly on the charging port. If not, then the charge won’t be transferred, and the blue light won’t come on to indicate charging.

Lastly, if your battery doesn’t seem to be working after charging, make sure that you’ve charged it long enough. A low battery can make the vacuum work inefficiently, causing you to perceive a problem where there isn’t one.

To fully charge your vacuum, follow these steps:

  1. Plug the vacuum charger into a working outlet
  2. Plug the charger into the vacuum cleaner
  3. Charge the vacuum for 3-3.5 hours until it’s full

When the charging light goes off, you know that the vacuum is full charge and ready for use.

A Malfunctioning Power Cord

Once you’ve made sure there’s not any user error causing your vacuum not to work, your next step should be to check for damages.

Examine the power cord carefully for any signs of damage, punctures, or other wear and tear. You can use a digital multimeter or tester screwdriver to see if the cord is working.

If it needs replacing, contact the manufacturer if the vacuum is still under warranty or purchase a new one yourself.

While you’re checking the power cord, it’s also worth checking to see if the outlet you’re using is working. Try plugging the charger into a different outlet to see if it works properly.

Should that simple step fix your issue, then you know you’ve got a problem with the outlet itself, not the charger or Dyson vacuum.

Damaged Dyson’s Battery Casing or Worn Out Battery

Dyson battery casing worn out

The Dyson vacuum batteries are the most likely culprit if your Dyson vacuum isn’t charging at all. If there’s simply no response from your vacuum after you charge it, then it’s likely that the battery needs replacement.

To check, open the battery compartment on the handle of the Dyson vacuum cleaner. With a V10 or newer, you’ll need a screwdriver to remove the cover and release the tabs under the casing.

Once removed, you’ll be able to see whether the battery casing has been damaged. If so, you’ll need to replace your battery with a new one.

Batteries wear out over time, reducing the amount of maximum charge they have with each use. Since the Dyson vacuum runs on lithium-ion batteries, you may start to notice a reduction in charge after a year.

After 4 years, the battery may not be able to hold any charge, causing it not to respond when you charge it. A similar phenomenon may occur if the battery is in disuse for a long period of time.

If that’s the case, then the obvious recourse is the replacement battery.

Here’s the list of Dyson Models, their replacement battery and where you can find them.

Dyson ModelType Of BatteryWhere To Find Them
Dyson V6Screw-on batteryAmazon
Dyson V7Screw-on batteryAmazon
Dyson V8Screw-on batteryAmazon
Dyson V10Screw-on batteryAmazon
Dyson V11Snap-in batteryAmazon
Dyson V15Snap-in batteryAmazon
Dyson MicroSnap-in batteryAmazon

Damaged Fuse

damaged or blown dyson fuse

If you still aren’t getting any power supply for your Dyson, then you might have a burnt-out fuse. To check, you may consult this article to find your vacuum cleaner model.

Once you do, you’ll be able to troubleshoot common problems to determine whether the issue could be with the fuse.

You can also open the charging cord head with a screwdriver to see if the fuse is broken or split. If it is, your vacuum won’t get any power supply.

Replacing a damaged fuse can fix a charging issue with the Dyson vacuum.

Safety Cut-off Has Gone Down

Like most other vacuum cleaners, Dyson has a safety “off-switch” that will power down the system if it overheats. Believe it or not, your charging issue could be a dirty vacuum, and replacing your air filters can help.

When the air filters get clogged, the vacuum is forced to work harder to provide suction, both draining the battery life and causing the vacuum to overheat. The vacuum will turn off if the heat reaches a certain threshold.

It’s always a good idea to check and clean your filters regularly using tap water, letting them dry for 24 hours afterwards.

Even if the filter isn’t the issue, changing it will help your vacuum perform better in the long term.

Issue With Charging Station Mount

Some charging stations are designed to be wall-mounted. If you have the station suspended or hung from the cord, it can cause damage to the charger or, at the very least, reduce the charge it can impart.

To install it properly, follow these steps:

  1. Unplug the charging station.
  2. Turn off your electricity supply from your main switch.
  3. Locate a wall stud with a stud finder.
  4. Mark the location of the mounting screws with a pencil and level.
  5. Pre-drill a hole in the wall at these locations.
  6. Screw your charging station in.

How To Charge A Dyson Vacuum?

Charging Your Dyson Machine


The LED light at the end of the handle will flash when the battery is running low and needs to be charged.

To charge your battery, connect the charger directly to the charging point on the base of the handle or connect the machine to the dock as instructed in the installation guide.

When charging, the LED light on the handle will pulse with a blue light and will turn off once fully charged.

It typically takes up to four hours to fully charge the battery.

Your Dyson machine and battery are designed to be left on charge.

Please note that if the ambient temperature falls below 5° C (41° F), your machine won’t operate or charge to protect both the motor and battery.

Giving your machine enough time to cool down before recharging can help prolong the battery life.

Changing Your Dyson Click-in Battery

If you have extra click-in batteries, here are a few tips to help you maintain consistent performance:

Removing your battery

  • Align your battery with the handle and slide it in.
  • Push firmly until it clicks into place.
  • To remove the battery, simply push the Battery release button on the handle and slide it off your machine.

Charge the battery.

Now, put the battery you have removed to charge.

Re-fit Your Dyson Battery

  • Align your battery with the handle and slide it in.
  • Push firmly until it clicks into place.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why is my Dyson vacuum cleaner not holding a charge?

There are several possible reasons why your Dyson vacuum cleaner is not holding a charge.
The most common causes are:
A weak or damaged battery,
Dirty contact points between the battery and charger,
Faulty wiring within the vacuum,
A defective charger, power socket, or extension cord.

How do I know if my Dyson battery needs to be replaced?

There are a few signs that you should look for to determine if it is time to replace your Dyson battery.
One of the most common signs is decreased suction from the vacuum cleaner when in use.
You may also notice that it takes longer for your Dyson to charge and runs out of power more quickly than before.
If the battery is bulging or leaking, it must be replaced immediately.
If you suspect your Dyson battery needs replacing, you can use our guide on Dyson battery replacement.

How long do Dyson batteries last before replacement?

The average lifespan of a Dyson battery is approximately 2 to 3 years, depending on usage and care.
However, if you take proper care of your Dyson battery and follow the manufacturer’s instructions, it could last up to 5 years or even more.

Certain Dyson models may feature warranty periods extending your Dyson battery’s total lifespan. Always read the manufacturer’s instructions for proper care and maintenance of your Dyson battery.

If your Dyson battery shows signs of wear, such as slower performance or shorter run time, then it’s likely time to replace it with a new Dyson battery.

Replacing your Dyson battery is relatively easy and simple, but choosing a compatible battery for your model is important. It is also recommended always to use original Dyson batteries for longer-lasting performance.

What does Flashing Red light on Dyson mean?

The flashing red light on your Dyson vacuum indicates a blockage somewhere in the vacuum; clogged filters, full dust canisters, or blocked hoses and pipes could cause this.

If the issue isn’t addressed, it will likely lead to reduced suction power or even complete machine failure.

Why is my Dyson vacuum not fully charging?

If your Dyson vacuum isn’t holding a charge, the battery pack or charger might be causing the issue. With age, batteries will naturally hold less of a charge than when they were new. But the damage to the battery can also reduce its charge-holding ability.

Is it worth buying a new Dyson battery?

If you need a new battery for your Dyson vacuum cleaner and have the money to invest in a high-quality, long-lasting product, then yes, it is worth buying a replacement Dyson battery.

Dyson batteries are designed specifically for their machines and offer superior performance and reliability compared to generic replacements.

Also, they come with a one-year warranty, so you can rest assured that your purchase is covered in case of any unexpected problems.

Final Thoughts

A non-charging battery is a frustrating problem to run into, and there can be numerous issues with various components to consider. If you cannot assess the problem, consider using Dyson’s troubleshooting tools on their official support website.

Robbert Randy

Robbert is an expert in vacuums. He graduated from the University of Applied Science with a degree in Commercial Economics in 2019. He tests and provide troubleshooting tips to vacuum users on his website. He don’t do this for profit–he simply want to research the best models out there and share his findings.

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