How To Fix A Clogged Vacuum Hose?

To clean a clogged vacuum hose, remove it from its attachment, then soak it in a sink filled with leathered water for the debris to leave the sides of the hose. After a while, use a narrow–bristled brush to scrub the grime and sludge out of the hose and run hot water through it.

Every frequent vacuum user will eventually experience a jammed vacuum issue. However, if you have a pet or a small child, the problem becomes a never-ending battle because toys and pet hair clumps are the most typical sources of vacuum jams. 

This article explains how to quickly unclog a vacuum cleaner so that you benefit from it without experiencing any inconvenience.

How can a vacuum cleaner hose get clogged?

How can a vacuum cleaner hose get clogged

Your vacuum could have sucked up something it shouldn’t have. Large objects are frequently visible before vacuuming, but occasionally they get sucked up without your knowledge. 

Larger objects have the potential to become stuck, tear hoses, and cause belts to fail. 

Finding out what could be clogging your vacuum can be quite challenging, but by taking the time to look at it carefully, you can identify and resolve the problem. 

Here are a few things you should pay attention to while vacuuming:

Liquid: You may have vacuumed up liquid. This might lead to the dust and debris in your vacuum hardening and forming blockages that are impossible to remove.

Dirty rollers: Another reason why your vacuum may be clogged is if the rollers or the filter are dirty. When the filter is unclean, dirt and dust may re-enter the hoses and the vacuum, causing a blockage that makes vacuuming difficult and expensive.

Hair or filled trashcan: You may also have too much hair or other waste in the hoses or the vacuum’s drum, which can cause clogging.

How to recognize a clogged vacuum cleaner hose?

Most of the time, it will be clear that your vacuum line is blocked. There will be a decrease in suction, making it difficult to take up dirt and debris.

Additional signs can be your vacuum producing gyrating noises or spewing garbage from the side when you vacuum. 

Furthermore, an unpleasant odor from your vacuum cleaner hoses indicate that food has been lodged and has begun to decompose within the hose.

If you want to check the clog manually, you must separate the vacuum cleaner’s hose from its handle. 

You can also request somebody to hold one end of the vacuum hose while flashing a torch; then grip the other end to keep the hose horizontal and stable. 

Look for black patches along the hose; these are either where huge debris or objects are blocking the hose’s flow or clumps of debris coating the hose’s inside.

Another way to do this is to pass something through it, be it a coin or a stone. 

If the coin successfully comes out from the other end, there is no blockage, but if it gets stuck, the presence of a clog is confirmed.

Fortunately, none of these issues necessitate the replacement of your vacuum hose. This is only required if a hole or rupture is causing an air leak. Most likely, just a good scrubbing will help you with the blockage.

How To Unclog Vacuum Cleaner Hose?

How To Unclog Vacuum Cleaner Hose

If you have a blockage, use the basic cleaning instructions below to clear it and unclog your vacuum hose. 

You don’t need any additional materials or tools to unclog a vacuum hose; just follow the directions listed below, and you’ll be delighted with the improved suction power:

Remove the Hose 

The suction hose for traditional vacuum cleaners is typically attached to the outside using clips or screws from the top of the device. 

You need to unclip or unscrew a few nails using a screwdriver, and you are done. Once the hose pipe is detached, you should detach the extended wand attached to the handle as well.

If you need help with removing the hose, consult the user guide. 

Poke the debris out using a broomstick

Straighten out the hose and place it on a level surface. Get a broomstick and carefully shove the end into the hose. 

If you encounter any resistance, that’s a blockage, and you must remove it. 

To prevent harming the vacuum hose, proceed slowly and softly. Maneuver the broomstick within the hose to dislodge or force out any tiny material that could obstruct the hose.

Use baking soda and vinegar to dislodge the debris

Obtain two cups of white vinegar and half a cup of baking soda. 

Put baking soda inside the hose and shake the hose to coat the inside after adding the baking soda at the end. 

Pour the vinegar into the hose after this is finished. It will start to bubble. 

Watch the fizzing until it stops.

Run water through the hose

Pour hot water through the vacuum hose after putting it in the kitchen sink to remove the dirt and other deposits that the vinegar and baking soda have dislodged. 

To fully clean the vacuum hose, repeat this procedure from both ends. 

Fill the kitchen sink with water and plunge the hose into it to bring water inside if you’re concerned you might have missed any locations. 

Before emptying the sink and giving it one more rinse with the hose, let it soak for a few minutes.

Let the hose dry and attach it back

You should wait until the hose is dry before reattaching it to your vacuum cleaner; otherwise, you risk being shocked if water enters the machine.

If you drape it over a shower, your vacuum line will dry faster, letting the water drop from both ends as it hangs down.

Preventive Tips for Vacuum Hose Clogs

You now know how to clean and unclog your hosepipe thoroughly, but why even reach such a situation? 

Here are some tips to prevent your hosepipe from developing clogs in the first place:

  • Make sure to pick up a moderately sized item from the floor which you think can make its way into the vacuum hose.
  • Keep the vacuum at the highest suction power when you are picking up something light like paper, foam, or sponge. The highest suction will suck them in; otherwise, they can stay lingering and swirling within the pipe.
  • It’s preferable to use a vacuum with an attachment. Since the attachments are narrower than a hose, they will prevent anything other than dust and dirt from entering the hose.
  • Socks, rags, and anything that can shrink can get sucked in and clogged inside the hose, so pick up these before vacuuming.
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3 Tips to Keep in Mind on Vacuum Clogs

Keep these things in mind when you are dealing with a clogged hosepipe:

  • Do not bother much about cleaning and clearing blockages if you don’t feel you can deal with them on your own. Locate a local vacuum service store and get it examined. You cannot only get your clogs removed but also know if there is some issue that is troubling your machine but all that on a nominal service charge. 
  • If you decide to take the job into your hand, remember that the vacuum hose is as delicate as a pipe, and you don’t want to rip a hole through it while attempting to clean it. Be as gentle as possible while dislodging the sludge stick to it. Soak the hose in soapy water in advance as it will soften the debris, and it will come out easily.
  • Be attentive while discarding the debris from the clogged hose, as it may contain a valuable item such as your lost ring or a gold coin. Of course, this is only possible when you lose something of such sort, but why take a chance when all that is required is for you to pay a little extra attention?

Final Thoughts

We hope the method suggested above helps you. It’s easier to clean the clogs of a vacuum hose once you decide. 

  1. First, take a screwdriver and remove the vacuum hoses from the attachment and the vacuum unit. 
  2. Fill your kitchen sink with hot water and pour some detergent to make it frothy. 
  3. Now, soak your debris-laced hose pipe into it for some time for the sludge to soften up and leave the sides easily. 
  4. Once enough time has elapsed, take the hose out of the sink and use a brush to swipe away the grime if you feel the need and run fresh water through it. 
  5. Let the hose dry, and then reassemble the whole unit, and you are done.

Robbert Randy

Robbert is an expert in vacuums. He graduated from the University of Applied Science with a degree in Commercial Economics in 2019. He tests and provide troubleshooting tips to vacuum users on his website. He don’t do this for profit–he simply want to research the best models out there and share his findings.

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